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"Proja" and "Projara"

    There is only one “Proja” and everything else is simply “Projara”. "Proja" is a cornbread made of coarsely ground corn flour, salt and water. It is often mistaken for "Projara" made with cheese, rhubarb, pork cracklings, yoghurt, and what not. It is a rather simple meal offered by most restaurants in Serbia. Consider yourself lucky if you eat "Proja" hot out of the oven. Good "Proja" is the pride of every Serbian hostess.

Banat "Projara"

Banat is a geographical region in north
eastern Serbia. You will need about
50 minutes, and don’t forget, it pairs
exceptionally well with yoghurt.

■ 10 tbs corn flour ■ 9 tbs white flour
■ 400 ml soured milk ■ 6 eggs
■ 150 g smoked bacon strips
■ 50 g sesame
■ 1 ½ baking powder sachets ■ oil ■ salt


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